Who are the best boyfriends? A Canadian woman gave her opinion on Mexicans and the men of her country

The young woman expressed what she likes in Canadian and Mexican men. (TikTok: strangersxelmundo)

In Mexico It is very common to hear a number of women (since speaking of absolutes would be an error) to say that they would like to have a couple that I was born in another Country for experiencing new cultures, new ways of being and even because they find someone attractive with a phenotype (physical appearance) different from that of the other Men born in our country.

This is a phenomenon that occurs within Mexican society, but what happens in a different culture in terms of Men born on their own territory and the comparison that is made with the strangerwhich in this particular case will be the Mexicans.

Why will we consider this opportunity for our compatriots? as strangerbecause the Women who will talk about it comes from another country, precisely from Canadawho in a video published on social networks, made a comparison between the way of being Mexicans and the Canadians.

Different people have an interest in having a romantic relationship with a stranger. (Illustrative image Infobae)

There was certainly a winner for the young woman from Quebec, in Canadabut not only did she say it for the sake of saying it, but she justified her answer and said what she liked so much about it. mexican men since the Canadians.

First, he spoke about members of the masculine gender belonging to our country. about whom he said the positive things he sees and appreciates in them, but what catches his attention.

She used the term “apapachoso”, which derives from a word of Mesoamerican origin which is cuddly and which means “to caress the soul”, to describe, first of all, the way of being of a Mexican manespecially when a love relationship with him.

The young woman born in Quebec explained the difference between Canadian and Mexican men Credit: TikTok: strangersxelmundo

She also said that something that seems very normal to us in our daily lives surprised her, but positively, is that we find physical interactions pleasant and common, like hugs and kisses that sometimes couples meet whether or not they are in a public place.

Another important aspect which was highlighted by Canadian woman Is something he really liked about Mexican boyfriends is that the time they spend laughing And joke It is abundant, which denotes their joy and charisma in front of others since they tend to be cheerful around most people, whether they know them or not.

“They make a lot of jokes, not just men, but Mexicans in general, they like to laugh and it seems very cool to me that, we don't have that in there Canada“We are not like that,” commented the young woman who has lived since Mexico.

The Canadian assured that Mexican men are more smiley and joke. (Illustrative image Infobae)

There Canadian woman He assured that although men in his country tend to be formal people, they often fall back on seriousness, which negatively differentiates them from others. Men Mexicanswhich could be a factor to consider, once the two ways of being are known, to be able to begin a relationship.

Another detail that she clarified is that Canadians tend not to show affection in public, in addition to the fact that they even behave in a very “plaintive” way, that is, they complain about a lot of things that sometimes don't make sense. .

So for the wife of Canada THE best boyfriends and loving couples are the Mexicans.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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