three thousand people demonstrated without clashes with the police in Cordoba

Popular movements and social organizations grouped in the Unidad Piquetera bloc (UP) They mobilized this Wednesday, December 20 in different regions of the country due to the adjustment made by the current president Javier Milei.

In the city ​​of cordoba, the march gathered at 6 p.m. at the intersection of Colón and Cañada avenues. Large numbers of people are expected to travel through the Center of Córdoba, according to Emanuel Berardo, representative of the local Polo Obrero.

3 thousand people are estimated

Security forces reported that around 3,000 people were present.

The most heard chants during the march were against the CGT and the government of Javier Milei.

The demonstrators arrived at Patio Olmos

Without any problems with the police, the first strike picket in Córdoba has already taken place in Patio Olmos. There, the intervention will end with an event scheduled for 8 p.m.

The Piquetero march is already on General Paz Avenue

A few minutes before 7 p.m., the column arrived in General Paz, to cover the last section of the march, up to Patio Olmos. As we recall, the Justice of Córdoba does not consider mobilization a crime, provided that it does not involve a permanent cutting of the arteries.

Shouting “unity of workers/and those who don’t like it, get fucked, get fucked”, the demonstrators are demanding the organization of a plan of struggle to defeat Javier Milei’s “chainsaw plan”.

Entering General Paz Avenue, the column appears more numerous and occupies several blocks, while the slogans against Milei and his adjustment plan are repeated. A persistent drizzle accelerates the march of the demonstrators. Arriving at Patio Olmos, head of the mobilization, the column extended over three blocks until April 27.

Piquetero March in Cordoba: the presents

The demonstration occupies more than two blocks of Colón Avenue and is led by the leaders of the groups and parties that called it. In the front row are Laura Vilches, Liliana Olivero Julia Di Santi, Emanuel Berardo, Soledad Díaz García, among others. The main column, that of the Polo Obrero, has a private guard to avoid infiltrators and an ambulance driver who walks alongside the demonstrators.

The organizations UEPC, UTS, MST, MORE, Partido Obrero, Polo Obrero, ATE, Izquierda Justicialista, among others, were present. The slogan: “Down with the chainsaw of Milei and her allies. »

In the first districts, walking takes place in absolute tranquility and the supermarkets and local shops remain with their blinds raised, serving the public.

March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)

In photos: march of popular movements and social organizations

March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)
March of popular movements and social organizations (Facundo Luque / La Voz)

The first picket march began in Cordoba

They demonstrate against the adjustment of the government of Javier Milei. In Buenos Aires there were two detainees, in the city of Córdoba the anti-picketing protocol does not apply.

However, a large police deployment is present in the area.

What will be the traffic plan in Córdoba?

The municipality of Córdoba reports the cuts and diversions to automobile traffic in place. will be established from 5:30 p.m. on the occasion of the march which will take place in the city.

  • Those taking Colón Avenue should turn right when they arrive at Avellaneda Street. Intercity transportation will take place at the intersection with Mendoza.
  • Transit through General Paz will change direction at Humberto Primero until arriving at Avellaneda.
  • The streets that cross the aforementioned arteries will be closed and opened as the march progresses.
  • Bus detours will also be made as the event progresses.

The position of the CGT Cordoba

In Cordoba, the CGT endorsed this Tuesday its “desire to resist policies that attack formal workers, those in the popular economy” and vulnerable sectors, maintaining that They are the ones who will suffer adjustment measures.

Calendar of the march: through which streets it will advance in Córdoba

According to reports, the march will advance along General Paz Avenue to Patio Olmos, where the intervention will end with an event scheduled for 8 p.m.

According to reports, the anti-picketing protocol that will apply in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires (Caba) will not be applied in Córdoba.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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