Photographic exhibition on local ornithology in El Espinar

Marta Bernal presenting the exhibition she created.

During the event, the author of the photographs, Marta Bernal, explained to those present the types of birds she has been photographing for months.

The exhibition will be visible in the hall of the El Espinar Town Hall from November 2 to 17 and during public service hours on working days.

The exhibit is called “A Photographic View of Some of Our Region’s Most Common Birds” and is made up of several dozen photographs that show snapshots of many of the bird species that can be found around our town.

The exhibition and guided tour take place as part of the Castilla y León Science Week and benefit from the collaboration of the El Espinar City Council.

In addition to this photographic exhibition of birds, the city will also have other activities related to science such as on the 15th, the conference on the James Webb telescope launched into orbit by NASA, the European Space Agency, the Space Agency Canadian and which represented a great advance in discovering whether life exists beyond planet Earth.

That same day, at the Town Hall, between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., a scientific conference will take place where topics such as astronomy, scientific news and anniversaries will be discussed.
On Thursday 16, also at the city’s Town Hall, they will discuss the theme of genetics during a round table in which experts in the field will participate.

A day later, a portable astronomical planetarium will arrive in the municipality and inside, participants will be able to see, through a projection system, an image of the sky as if they were in the countryside or any other open place. This simulation will allow us to see phenomena that we could not see otherwise, such as the precession of the equinoxes, or the rise of a star 5,000 years ago, or in 5,000 years.

Saturday afternoon will cover the path traveled by science and technology over the last century, reviewing the scientific Nobel Prizes of 1923, 1948, 1973, 1998 and this year’s.

To cap off this great week focused on science, you can enjoy an astronomical day from the city’s funeral home esplanade and if the sky is clear you will be able to observe planets like Saturn and Jupiter in addition to observing the sunset of the sun.

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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