Mexican man surprised by his Canadian girlfriend's reaction after defending himself with the rudeness he taught her | VIDEO

The woman showed that she understood Spanish despite the joke her boyfriend tried to pull on her. (TikTok @michellrenaud)

Women have shown that they are in charge in a romantic relationship and that language is not an obstacle to subjugate their partners, they increasingly want to demonstrate their superiority as men.

The proof is one Mexican-Canadian couple, who went viral showing their incredible relationship sentimental without what language each one speaks.

And Mexico is characterized by being a country that speaks in Double entenders and making jokes to foreigners who don't understand our language have become a trend.

On this occasion, the influencer Mitchell Renaud He was mocked by his supporters for not being able to joke around with his Canadian girlfriend who understands Spanish well and even swears.

“Come here now. “Pinch yourself.”she says to her friend, who can't stand that her boyfriend treats her badly, so she defends herself expressing one of the rude things Mexicans say the most.

“Are you fucking me?, Why?, Fucking Pu…”, The Canadian named Isabella responded to her boyfriend, which sparked ridicule from hundreds of netizens in the Tiktok video.

TikToker Michell Renaud showed how his Canadian girlfriend managed to learn Spanish swear words well. Credit: InstagramMitchrenaudd

“She defends herself like a Latina”; “Go ahead so he doesn’t go too far with the guerita”; “I love this couple”; “Don’t hurt me, even as a joke”; “Ahuevo, this woman already knows how to defend herself like a Latina”; “why are you teaching him Mexican colloquial words”; “Hahaha la güera learned Spanish well,” are some of the comments on the viral video with almost a million views.

The couple stood out on Tiktok for the diversity of content they publish. (TikTok @michellrenaud)

It should be noted that Mitchell and Isabella are a viral couple on the social network Tiktok who usually share videos detailing what their romantic relationship looks like on a day-to-day basis, regardless of the language barriers that millions of people overcome daily to live and be with the love of their life.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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