Canta: trout farms have resumed production in the area affected by the oil spill | information

Siete de los ocho criaderos de trucha ubicados en las aguas del río Chillón, en la provincia de Canta, han recuperado sus condiciones para volver a producir y se encuentran plenamente operatives luego del derrame de concentrateo de zinc producido en la zona, informó el Ministerio de the production.

He indicated that after the analysis of trout samples taken from the eight aquaculture production centers affected by zinc, it was determined that only one of them obtained heavy metal values ​​(cadmium and lead) in outside the maximum authorized limits for their consumption and safety.

However, he clarified that this center remains under health control and surveillance until it is assured, through laboratory tests, that its next aquaculture crops (trout) comply with the standards authorized by the authority and health regulations. .

multisectoral work

Since the June 13 spill, five public institutions have been actively monitoring the area to ensure continued attention and repair of the environmental damage caused.

Teams from the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) and the National Water Authority, as competent entities in environmental control, operate on site. The MTC verifies the application of the emergency plan to serve and recover the area, as well as compliance with the administrative measures applied to the responsible company Wari Service SAC. For its part, the ANA carried out two (2) monitoring of the surface water quality of the Chillón River.

In addition, there are operations National Fisheries Health Agency (Sanipes) by monitoring fish and Ministry of Health in the control of possible affections to the local population.

No health problems

In the field of health, so far people with problems related to acute zinc exposure were not registered at health centerssuch as fever, muscle aches, nausea, fatigue, chest pain, cough and dyspnea. However, the Ministry of Health carries out regular health campaigns in the region.

Results on water, soil and sediment

The Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency (OEFA) conducted two checks in the area and identified that surface water quality in the area is within the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) defined for water.

Similarly, with regard to the results of the soil laboratory, reference overruns were observed compared to the values ​​established in the CEA agricultural soil-2017 in the arsenic, cadmium, lead and zinc parameters at some sampling points; and in sediment, reference exceedances were observed at the values ​​established in the Canadian Sediment Guide in the parameters arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc.

The results were communicated to the Environmental Attorneyto Ministry of Transport and Communications Yet the National Water Authorityso that they become aware of it and carry out actions within the framework of their attributions.


In the area of ​​sanctions, the Ministry of Transport and Communications filed two administrative measures against the company Wari Service SAC, which transported the zinc. The first, in which it is ordered to monitor the quality of the water, the existing species of fauna and the quality of the soil.

The second measure, so that it removes the zinc and recovers the affectation of the affected area; and suspend your transit through the routes listed in your emergency plan until you recover the location.


Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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