Canadians walk barefoot in summer as therapy – El Sol de Hidalgo

Residents of the Mezquital Valley who migrate to Canada each year, during the first half of the year which extends from January to August or May to October, have reported that during the warm seasons of spring or summer, the inhabitants maple leaf walk barefoot in gardens or streets.

“They told us that they did this as therapy for illnesses or as a measure of relaxation in daily life,” the migrants from the Mezquital Valley reported.

“In hot weather, it is common to see Canadians walking barefoot and they do it regularly, they do not limit themselves nor do they look cold,” the compatriots said.

For their part, historians of the Mezquital Valley report that this practice is similar to what the first inhabitants once practiced in this region of Hidalgo.

Walking barefoot connects you to Mother Earth, and the soil contains minerals that can be absorbed through the feet and provide therapy for certain illnesses.

Before, people walked barefoot or with sandals, grandparents had this tradition or custom, they went to graze in the hills, they plowed the land barefoot and did other agricultural activities.

“These people grew up with these customs, this is probably a reason why they lived for decades, or even beyond a hundred years, this technique can have effects on the health of human beings,” he said. declared traditional doctor Lucia Simón.

“The human being must connect with the energy of Mother Earth, with the biosphere and with the magnetism that comes from the earth’s core, which gives us positive energy,” said the traditional doctor.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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