Canadian Soccer Federation president resigns

Nick Bontis was elected president of the federation in November 2020, replacing Steven Reed.

Edward Christopher

Following the conflicts surrounding the Canadian soccer teams, both women’s and men’s, the president of the Canadian Soccer Federation has tendered his resignation.

Through a statement, Nick Bontis formalized his departure from the Canadian project, acknowledging that a change is necessary to have social peace between the women’s and men’s teams. Her resignation comes after provincial and local soccer leaders called for her to leave, and after the women’s team attempted a strike to demand better working conditions for the soccer World Cup.

“Although I have been one of the biggest supporters of sporting fairness for the women’s team, unfortunately I will not be leading the organization when that happens. I recognize that change is needed at this time. “.

the fight goes on

The women’s and men’s teams of the Canadian national team are asking the Federation to make public its economic practices, including the agreement with the Canadian Soccer Business (CSB), the entity that deals with sponsorships and broadcasting agreements. The CSB donates an amount to Canada Soccer each year and keeps the rest to fund the Canadian Premier League.

Por su parte, las futbolistas demanden condiciones dignas para la Copa Mundial que se déarrollará en Australia y Nueva Zelanda, y que equiparen à las recibidas por los varones en la Copa Mundial de Qatar 2022. Ambos equipos demanden explicaciones de los recortes en los programs This year.

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