AMLO supports the work of the SRE in the case of a Mexican missing in Canada: “We will continue to improve the consulates”

AMLO said the Canadian ambassador and consul handled the case. | Screenshot: Federal Government

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador supported the work carried out by the Mexican Ambassador to Canada, the consulate and the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) to attend to the disappearance of the Mexican Carlos Tomas Aranda Burgoinwho was found dead last week in the province of British Columbia.

In La Mañanera, from the National Palace, the president assured that the SRE staff remained attentive to the file, request that the search be carried out and keep the young man’s family informed of the progress made; However, he said service at Mexican consulates would continue to be improved.

“We will continue to improve the whole service in the consulates, they are attentive, they help a lot, in this case in Canada the directors of the foreign service, the ambassador, the consul and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were working, – They informed the parents, asking there for the search to be done, unfortunately we know the results, this young man was found dead,” he said.

He stressed that investigations into the death of Aranda Burgoin continue, in addition The SRE continues to support family members of the young man.

AMLO assures that the parents of Carlos Tomás will receive a report from the Canadian police on their son’s case (Europa Press)

“Investigations continue, they are now members of their family and accompanied by members of the foreign service, the SRE, this is how all cases are examined,” he said.

López Obrador reiterated that the Mexican government will help his compatriots and all those affected in general by the passage of Hurricane Idalia, in Florida, in the United States; However, he called on ambassadors and consuls to protect and support migrants.

“Whatever happens, we will act not only to support our fellow migrants; We are going to act in solidarity and the call is always made to ambassadors, the call is made to consuls, so that they support, protect, defend migrant compatriots, this is done constantly,” he stressed.

Yesterday, the president indicated that his government would be attentive to the passage of Hurricane Idalia and that if necessary, he could make the DN-III plan and the Marina plan available to the government of Florida.

The president said he had called on ambassadors and consuls to protect Mexicans abroad.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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