⁠Do you want to migrate to Canada via studies? Take into account the changes implemented by the Government

In recent years, a series of opportunities that the Canadian government has established to accept migrants into its country have been known, which is why the request for migration applications through study, work and even learning the language has increased because there are those who dream of enjoying a quiet life full of opportunities in Canada, but due to the poor processing of visa applications, they have announced a series of changes to the international student program in this country .

“On January 22, Canada established a cap on study permit applications approved each year, reducing their number by 35% compared to 2023.” said immigration lawyer Andrew Carvaja Radio Blu.

This means that for this new year, the Canadian government has decided to implement certain changes to its immigration policy that you must take into account. In this way, by 2024, there will be fewer migration slots available in this country; Well, due to the census carried out there, some of its provinces have a high number of inhabitants that will not allow the entry of new members. So, vacancies in educational institutions will have a limited number of vacancies.

Likewise, those who complete their studies will be subject to the new government amendment to process the work visa. In this way, this permit is reserved for student couples and from now on only those studying master's or doctoral degrees will be able to easily access this visa.

Certain undergraduate and graduate study programs, certain institutions and certain provinces are exempt from these new regulations; Therefore, those who wish to migrate to Canada for study purposes should seek advice from the Canadian Embassy and/or the various companies that offer this personalized service to access vacancies that best suit their profile and qualifications. personal projects.

Regarding the resident visa, students who have been there for several years must overcome a series of filters established by the Canadian government to obtain residency. In this way, the Canadian government hopes to open its doors to migrants, respecting the population limits authorized in each province, in order to ensure the quality of life that they have established so far in the country.

What do these changes mean for Colombians who want to emigrate to Canada as students?

“We will have to be a little more strategic in choosing the study program, as some programs like master's and doctorate are exempt from annual quota limits and also allow the student's partner to work to make the process successful . permanent residence, said Andrew Carvajal, who, thanks to his experience with his law firm and his immigration agency, has lived, alongside Colombians who want to study in Canada, the changes of government, taking into account that even the Demonstratable income has also increased so that anyone traveling to Canada truly has the economic means to enjoy a good quality of life in this country.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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