your entry into Russia is prohibited, this is the reason

Few years ago, jim carreyone of the most influential figures in 21st century comedy, he abandons his facet of actor to turn to drawing and political caricature. Publicly opposed to the administration of donald trumpduring the mandate of the tycoon, the interpreter of The masktransformed his interpretive humor on paper, into caustic and acidic portraits focusing in particular on Trump’s embarrassments.

With around 19 million followersCarrey’s cartoons quickly went viral, including those in which he pointed out the ties between the then US administration and the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine. In one, he showed Trump with his hands in his pants, while Putin at his side said a “I keep the ballsomething like, “I’ve got you by the balls,” in the most familiar expression. It wasn’t the only cartoon of the Russian president, who in another appeared with his pants down, receiving a kiss on the ass from Trump.

Jim Carrey cartoons of 2017 and 2018

This is perhaps one of the reasons why as of this Tuesday, November 15, the Russian government has decided to include him in its list of persona non grata. The sanction bars actor Jim Carrey and 100 other Canadian citizens from entering the country.. In a written statement released by the Russian ministry, it was stated that this decision is a response to the restrictions that Canada continues to impose on representatives of Russian administration, business, environment and culture, politicians, parliamentarians and experts. The list includes senior Canadian officials, businessmen, activists, media representatives and financial institutions.

Banned by Russia, with Margaret E. Atwood

Some of the best-known names include Jim Carrey, but also the writer Margaret E. Atwoodacclaimed bestselling author The Handmaid’s Tale. Both reacted to the news via their humorous networks. “Shit ! Jim Carrey and I had planned a weekend getaway to Moscow.. I guess it will be Kyiv instead”, commented the writer on his Twitter account. To which the actor hastened to respond in the same tone: “Yes, I’m afraid the worst is over. We are banned by Russia… But the problems of 100 Canadians don’t equal a mountain of beans in this crazy world! We will always have Paris”.

On the political implications and public confrontations that the actor has shown in recent years against Trump, the documentary delves Jim Carrey, America Unmasked (2022), to see this Saturday in the theme party. A film which shows that the creativity of the comedian has no limits, inimitable on the big screen and engaged in its vignettes.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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