World Circus Day: what is its origin?

Circus Day is an event promoted by the World Circus Federation. With this, he wants to promote and preserve the value of the circus, seeking its recognition of its cultural contribution. The art of the circus dates back to the cultural legacies left by the ancient civilizations of the Far East and the Near West. Practices such as acrobatics, juggling or contortion are currently associated with the circus universe, but they are human expressions prior to the circus concepts themselves and were activities related to the preparation of warriors, rituals religious and festive practices. In Antiquity, the Romans called entertainment activities or public performances circus, hence its name.

The circus became more popular in the Middle Ages, where people enjoyed shows with jesters. However, until the Renaissance, companies operated illegally and in great insecurity.

The circus laid its foundations in the 18th century thanks to horseman and acrobat Philip Astley. The Englishman is considered the father of the modern circus since he welcomed artists who were to perform in fairs and almost marginal environments and gave them a stage to perform, thus giving Origin of the modern circus.

Variants of the circus appeared in the 19th century, called freak shows, in which people with some kind of deformity performed. In this case, the Elephant man whose story has been told in the cinema.

The largest and most famous modern circuses in the world

Cirkus cirkor from Sweden: Founded in 1995 in Stockholm, it is one of the most famous circuses for its contemporary style. They toured the world with a series of highly acclaimed and successful shows.

Circus of the sun: It is the most famous circus in the world. The Canadians impress with a spectacle that leaves the viewer speechless. The art of circus that has its own star on the Walk of Fame.

Chengdu Circus: one of the best circuses on the Asian continent. Their presentations featured great gymnasts, acrobats and jugglers.

Raluy Heritage Circus: the most famous circus of our country. It stands out for its professionalism and exclusive decoration of the room, with a traditional aesthetic that impresses both children and adults.

The most famous circus characters

Among the most famous characters in the history of the circus we highlight:

Isaac Van Amburgh: the most famous lion tamer of the 19th century. He came to put his arm in the mouths of the lions as the culmination of his shows.

Tom Thumb: The American artist who suffered from dwarfism was exposed for his small stature in circuses across the United States, even going so far as to share a table with President Lincoln at the White House.

Harry Houdin: The Hungarian-American escape artist was also a magician and stuntman, although he is remembered for his escape acts.

Anne Jones: better known as the bearded lady. Despite her characteristic beard, Annie became famous thanks to her musical talent.

Gaby, Fofo and Miliki: the famous question “how are you? It is attributed to the brothers of the Aragón family who conquered the hearts of all Spanish children. With ancestors from the circus, they have maintained the heritage with the company Los Payasos de la Tele.

Mona Watkins

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