Without consensus in Campo de Calatrava

The new municipal political radiography has its collateral effects. The old two-party system maintained certain balances which, today, with the entry of more political forces into municipal councils, lead to consensus. An example is the Commonwealth of Campo del Calatrava. The new election of the president, the socialist mayor of Pozuelo de Calatrava, David Triguero, resulted in the replacement of the also socialist Daniel Reina, who in the last legislature was mayor of Almagro. The election of Triguero was not well received within the PP, where it is understood that his election thus breaks with a Commonwealth tradition that dates back to its origins, in 1987, in which, by an unwritten agreement, The presidency It has always been held by one of the representatives of the three large cities that represent the Commonwealth, such as Almagro, Miguelturra and Bolaños de Calatrava, municipalities in which the town hall has been governed by the Popular Party since the last municipal elections in May.

The provincial president of the Popular Party, Miguel Ángel Valverde, also president of the Commonwealth in previous years and current mayor of Bolaños, regrets that this consensus of a Commonwealth composed of fourteen municipalities in the region has been broken: Bolaños, Almagro, Miguelturra. , Pozuelo, Ballesteros, Granátula, Aldea, Calzada, Carrión, Valenzuela, Cañada, Torralba, Villanueva de San Carlos and Villar del Pozo. Among them, eight are governed by the PSOE and six by the PP.

Municipalities, says Valverde, in which “the mayors of the PP represent almost 80% of the population, while the municipalities of the PSOE represent a little more than 20%”, which is why the PP requested that the president of the The association is “a mayor of Almagro, Bolaños or Miguelturra”, as has been done historically. For the first time, these three municipalities are governed by the same party. The popular party proposed the councilor Miguelturreño, Luis Ramón Mohíno But “there was no possibility of negotiating”, laments Valverde. Thus, after the vote (the statutes establish that each city has one vote), Triguero obtained eight votes against six for the popular candidate. With this result, “this is the first time in the history of the Commonwealth that the president is not elected unanimously”.

On the contrary, the Socialists claim that they govern in a greater number of municipalities, that they also have more councilors (69 for the PSOE and 54 for the PP) and that they are the political group with the most votes in the region with 13,471 compared to 12,257. Therefore, “with these data we are surprised that the PP wants to govern the Commonwealth”, affirms the new president, David Triguero, who does not understand how the PP dares to talk about the challenge demographic and don’t let small towns rule. . “It is an insult to the rural world, and these cities are just as legitimized as others with a larger population to preside over any institution,” he emphasizes, then emphasizing that of the four vice-presidencies, the PSOE offered the PP two , one of them being the first vice-presidency. Nominations which will be decided at the next plenary session.

But the PP recalls that “the statutes themselves determine that the contribution of the different municipalities to the Community will be proportional to the number of inhabitants, so it does not make much sense that the president does not come from one of the three large municipalities. who are also those who contribute the most to maintaining services. The PP fears that the intention of the socialists is also to obtain the presidency of the Association for the Development of Campo de Calatrava, since the President of the Commonwealth has the power to be the one who also exercises the presidency of the association or to propose the person to whom you delegate this responsibility. “There is a clear desire of the socialists to politically monopolize both institutions and not leave room for negotiation,” Valverde said.

good melody, so far. Faced with this situation, the People’s Party will request a modification of the statutes, “because it is inconsistent that having such a large majority in terms of representation of the population, a PP mayor is not the one who governs the Commonwealth”. “There has been an intransigent position without any will”, they deplore in the PP where they add that “the statutes have not been modified until now because there have been good relations and harmony, but above all a good predisposition to reach agreements. This year there were none and the configuration of the Commonwealth government was therefore different. For this reason, they ask for a change in which “there is proportionality in the “election of the different members of the Government, since in this way politics was introduced, which had not happened during the years of existence of the entity”. Valverde.

The Commonwealth was born in 1987 from five municipalities: Almagro, Bolaños, Granátula, Pozuelo and Valenzuela de Calatrava, but its management began a year later, in 1988. Since then it has been led by different presidents. The first, the mayor of Almagreño Luis López Condés, who held this position until 1995, when Antonio García Rivero, also mayor of Almagro, became president of the supramunicipal entity until 2003. Until 2003. then, the seat and the presidency always returned to the city of Almagro without further questioning. That year, Manuel Sancho (Almagro) refused to be president in a whisper and was elected Boláñego’s advisor, Daniel Almansa, who then led the Commonwealth for only one year, until 2004, when he passed the baton. at Boláñego Miguel Ángel Valverde. The following presidents were Román Rivero, from Miguelturra (2007-2011), Miguel Ángel Valverde (2011-2015) and Daniel Reina (2015-2019), advisor to Almagro. What is clear is that this municipal entity was able to effectively manage services unlike others which were forced to close. Regaining consensus must also be a priority, with or without new rules.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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