What is the process for removing Colombian visas for travel? There is a new proposal

Since last year, we have learned that one of the objectives of the Colombian ambassador to the United States, Luis Gilberto Murillois to advance as far as possible in the process to bring this country to remove the obligation for Colombians to have a visa to enter its territory.

(You can read: Visas to work in the United States: Here’s how Colombians can apply for H-2A and H-2B)

Last Sunday, Murillo spoke to EL TIEMPO and explained how this request is progressing. Moreover, he argued that are considering two proposals that may arise in the nearer time framesince the exemption of this document can take a long time.

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The ambassador said that on this issue it is necessary to “maintain the correct expectations”. He also said the request was being developed in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security to review each of the required indicators.

(Here you can read the full interview with Ambassador Murillo)

Sooner or later (it will be realised), Colombian tourists will deserve the visa waiver

The next step to follow is create in March an inter-institutional committee with each of the establishments which is responsible for complying with the requirements. “With the assistance of the United States, we will complete this process so that as we meet the requirements, progress will be made so that the task can be completed as soon as possible. It takes years, I insist, but it’s not “You can put it aside. Sooner or later (it will be reached), Colombian tourists will deserve a visa waiver.”

However, as this whole process progresses, the ambassador told this newspaper that they are considering putting on the table two proposals that could benefit some Colombians.

One of them concerns the fact that groups of citizens who constantly travel to the United States can benefit from an exemption beforehand. “There are groups that have been coming to the United States for years, who have never had a problem, have not stayed and do not want to. This group of people should already be granted an exemption because it has been shown that they have no further intentions to come to this country and do their tourism and business activities,” he said.

This initiative will be defined within the committee, which will formally begin its work next month.

Another option they want to raise, but which has not been discussed with the North American country, concerns the fact that the Colombians can “complete your immigration document review process, called pre-entry, once in Colombia. This is already happening with countries like Canada,” says Murillo.

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On the other hand, the ambassador explained what his request for migratory assistance for Colombians consists of. In this sense, he replied:

“We are discussing it. The truth is that we have some differences and we are working on it. The United States government is very open for us to discuss it. We have reached the mechanism that the DED is required, which is the assistance to immigration which is in the hands of President Biden. There are very similar cases, such as that of Liberia, which once it signed its peace agreement, once it had free elections, the DED mechanism been provided to Liberians in the United States so that they could return with dignity to their country or could lead a peaceful life in the United States. I think it is on the right track.

Likewise, by March, it is planned to prepare the justification to explain to this country why Colombia could have this mechanism.

Finally, Murillo sent a message to those considering migrating for this benefit, in case it is approved.: “We beg the Colombian population who would like to risk these irregular migratory circuits to please not do so, that is not the objective of this. The objective here is for a Colombian population who lives in very difficult conditions and unworthy for some time who need an answer. It is for them that we work”.

Regarding the timing, he said it was up to the United States government, since it was a discretionary decision by President Biden. “We will continue to insist because we consider that the migratory assistance of the Colombian population from the United States is a matter of interest in the foreign policy objectives that we have”, he concluded.

Aura Saavedra Alvarez


Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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