What is Canada’s form of government?

The form of government of Canada is usually a frequent question for those who do not know much information about this country. Being the combination of two political systems, a constitutional monarchy Yes a parliamentary democracythe political structure is managed very differently from what we know in Latin America.

Monarchy in Canada

To begin with, you should know that the English crown is present in the Canadian system of government since, being a monarchy, the king or queen of Great Britain is the head of state of Canada. The person who exercises this function cannot take decisions as freely as in his country, since this power is delegated to other State officials.

Yet the constitution provides that the sovereign of the United Kingdom will be called the “king” or “queen” of Canada. Currently, this position is held by the Canadian head of state, King Charles III of Canada.

Parliament in Canada

On the other hand, parliamentary democracy has three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judiciary, which work together to ensure the rights and freedoms of Canadians. In addition, this form of government allows citizens to elect those who will make up Parliament.

These officials are responsible for reviewing and approving all kinds of laws and are in turn divided into:

  • The sovereign: The King of Canada, who may have a Governor General and ten Lieutenant Governors.
  • The Senate: Composed of 105 members residing in Canada
  • The House of Commons: 338 representatives democratically elected by Canadian citizens during elections.

In addition, the parliament has the post of Prime Minister. This official is usually the leader of the House of Commons and the highest representative of Canada. The prime minister has ultimate decision-making power and can appoint other government officials, direct foreign affairs, and lead the Canadian military. Currently, who has held this position since 2015, is Justin Trudeau.

The Government of Canada as an institution

Because of the two forms of government, the the monarchy and the Parliamentary democracyCanada has internally federal governmentwhich is composed of the Prime Minister, and with the provincial governmentwhich has a chief per province who is responsible for overseeing and managing the education, health and public safety systems, but in a more local way.

The current Premier of Ontario is Dough Ford, Jason Kenney of Alberta, John Horgan of British Columbia, François Legault of Quebec and Scott Moe of Saskatchewan.


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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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