US withdrew from panel over energy policy complaint: AMLO

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the United States had given up asking for a panel after it filed a complaint in July over energy policy with Mexico.

He pointed out that when it was thought that there would be a conflict with the United States over the energy consultingthey were informed, their doubts were clarified and Mexico’s point of view was made known.

“They have decided not to take the step towards a panel and they are looking for an agreement, an arrangement, that there is no confrontation,” he said.

On July 19, the United States filed a formal complaint under the North American Trade Agreement (T-MEC) for finding that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s energy policy had harmed his businesses.

Washington has asked for consultations to resolve disputes over Mexico’s estimate to benefit state-owned power company CFE already the state mexican oils (PEMEX) to the detriment of American companies and prevents the development of clean energysaid the office of the US Trade Representative at the time.

The complaint was the first formal against Mexico under the T-MEC, the agreement which on July 1, 2020 replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in force since 1994.

Lee: ‘We will defend ourselves’, AMLO attributes complaints from the United States and Canada to a political issue

After the presentation, Mexico had 30 days to enter into consultations and if within 75 days they failed to reach an agreement, the United States could request the establishment of a panel to adjudicate the dispute.

On July 20, the Canadian government announced that it would also file a complaint and seek consultations regarding Mexico’s energy policies.

In August, the first meeting took place due to consultations requested by the United States and Canada regarding Mexican energy policy.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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