Unique moment at the Olympics: the stands start chanting “Imagine” during a fight between beach volleyball players from Brazil and Canada

Brandie Wilkerson of Canada and Ana Patricia Silva Ramos of Brazil argue. (Reuters/Esa Alexander)REUTERS

The Brazilian, Ana Patricia Silva Ramosand the Canadian, Brandie Wilkerson were the protagonists of an event that provoked sensation in the networks and this is already one of the images of these games in Paris. During the match for the Olympic gold, the two couples had its advantages and disadvantages and even went so far as to encourage a discussion on the internet during the meeting. The two players sometimes seemed annoyed with each other. However, the public acted as an intermediary to the extent of its possibilities and sang the song Imagine, by John Lennon, to try calm the spirits of the confrontation.

The verbal fight took place in the third and decisive round of the match. After a point won by the South American team, one of the Brazilians, Ana Patricia Silva Ramosleft a comment that only their receivers could hear: Brandie Wilkerson and Melissa Humana-Paredesa couple from the North American country. Seeing what was happening, and cleverly, the DJ responsible for organizing the event decided to give it a different color and given to play for it to begin ring 'Imagine', a song that transmits messages of peace and unity. Together, the audience present joined in with the melody and began to sing the lyrics to join this peace initiative launched by the DJ.

The DJ's fast-paced action in a tense moment on the playing field marked the future after the meeting. Although he played in a final, with what that implies, The players of both pairs were smiling. positioning themselves for the next point after the verbal dispute between them. Of course, all thanks to the union of the fans and the host who played brilliantly.

Once peace was restored between the athletes, the match was able to finish its course. without major incidents. The final could be played in favor of the Brazilian couple. Thus, the duo Ana Patricia/Duda would be able to win it 26-24, 12-21 and 15-10or two sets to one, to win gold again in this women's category. Brazil had failed to win women's Olympic gold since 1996the year the sport made its debut in the competition. With this victory, they end that streak and remove one of the biggest thorns they had: not winning gold on home soil, at Rio 2016.

Paris 2024 women's beach volleyball medallists. (REUTERS/Louisa Gouliamaki REFILE)
Paris 2024 women's beach volleyball medallists. (REUTERS/Louisa Gouliamaki REFILE)REUTERS

The protagonists of this ephemeral verbal confrontation left for the medal ceremony an image that shows the true values ​​of sport. During the ceremony, the smiles and good atmosphere took precedence over everything that happened on the field. As further proof that sportsmanship prevailed, the medalists They decided to take a selfie together in which the actors of the discussion are seen smiling and close, showing that everything that happened during the match remains in the arena of Paris 2024, but not in their memories.

Montse Tomé, coach of the Spanish women's football team, talks about the challenge of the Olympic Games

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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