Unadistas travel to Canada to boost their English skills

In order to strengthen English language skills, between November 18 and December 12, an Unadista commission made up of 7 students will be in Canada to conduct studies in this language.

This is an international academic mobility that will allow them to have a total immersion in the North American country by staying with Canadian families and attending academic spaces at Upper Madison College, located in the city of Toronto. , where they will continue their studies in English and according to the defined curriculum, prior examination carried out.

In addition, Unadista students, who belong to Sociology, International Business, Business Administration, and Systems Engineering programs, will also have a multicultural exchange with students from Japan, Korea, and different parts of the world.

This mobility is possible after UNAD, through VINTER, has asked the ECACEN academic mission for scholarships for international student mobility promoted by ICETEX.

To make it happen, students had to meet special inclusion parameters, as well as have an outstanding academic average.

At the end of this mission, the Unadistas will have succeeded in articulating with new national and international actors belonging to other sectors while being part of an international experience, for the first time and thanks, among other aspects, to their remarkable academic performance. Likewise, they will have reinforced different processes in a second language and in a structural way.

If you wish to obtain information on academic mobility, write to This email address is protected from spam. You must enable JavaScript to view it.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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