Ukraine – Russia war, last minute live today: the United States reveals the movement that Putin is planning

Russian exiles sign statement calling Putin’s regime ‘criminal’

More than 12,000 exiled Russians (journalists, politicians, scientists) they signed a declaration in Berlin calling the war and Putin’s regime “criminal” and demanding the “release of prisoners of war and political prisoners”.

According to collect euromaidanpress, Here are the five points signed by the Russian exiles:

1.“The war against Ukraine is criminal.” Russian troops must withdraw from all occupied territoriesinternationally recognized Russian borders must be restored, war criminals must be prosecuted and victims of aggression must be compensated.

2.”Putin’s regime is illegitimate and criminal.” Accordingly, it must be taken down. The opposition sees Russia as a country that guarantees individual rights and freedoms, without the possibility of usurping state power.

3. The implementation of the imperial policy inside and outside the country is unacceptable.

4. Political prisoners and prisoners of war must be released, forcibly displaced persons must be given the opportunity to return and abducted Ukrainian children should be immediately returned to Ukraine.

5. The signatories express their solidarity with those Russians who, despite the horrible repression, have the courage to take a stand against Putin and against the war, as well as the tens of millions who refuse to participate in the regime’s crimes.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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