Two Canadian investment funds suspend lawsuits against Mexico over its energy policy; seek an agreement

Two Canadian companiesthe Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and CDP Groupe Infrastructure, initiated arbitration proceedings before the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), belonging to the world Bankagainst Mexico's energy policy.

However, the two funds decided temporarily suspend the arbitration procedure to try to reach an agreement with the mexican government.

On November 27, companies investing in Enel Green solar and wind farms filed an application with the World Bank's ICSID, but the case was registered until December 15 under the number ICSID/ARB/23/53.

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These two investment funds The Canadian assured that Mexican policies go against the agreements of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TIPER also called TPP-11), so they used the dispute resolution mechanism the investor-State which is part of TIPAT to carry out the file.

In a press release, the Secretariat of Economy of Mexico indicated that it “reiterates its commitment to dialogue between companies find a solution within the framework of the provisions of the Treaty.

Read also The Mexican economy is on the rise for eight months in November, estimates Inegi

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Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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