Tim Hortons lands in Querétaro – Diario de Querétaro

The state government announced the arrival of the Canadian restaurant chain “Tim Hortons” in the entity of Querétaro with an initial investment of 600 million pesos, which will generate a thousand jobs in 3 years with the construction of 50 branches in the state.

CEO of Tim Hortons in Mexico, Juan José Gutiérrez Chapa, said the investment will cover the Querétaro metropolitan area and the municipality of San Juan del Río as municipalities to promote the Canadian restaurant chain.

“Today we are announcing an investment of 600 million for Querétaro, coming from 50 branches for the state, and we will not only work with the municipality of the municipality of Querétaro but also with the municipalities of El Marqués, Corregidora and San Juan del Río which have between 5 and 10 restaurants,” he explained.

In addition, Gutiérrez Chapa explained that 10% of the thousand jobs that will be generated will be for vacancies for adults over 65, with the aim of promoting social responsibility on the part of corporate identity. .

“Talking about Canada is talking about quality, so the working conditions and the products must be of quality, in this sense, we will offer 10% of the thousand jobs that we will generate during these first three years to adults majors. , from the age of 65 as part of the social model that Tim Hortons operates,” said Tim Hortons CEO.


Sustainable Development Secretary Marco Antonio del Prete said the arrival of Tim Hortons represents one more Canadian investment in the state, placing it as the entity’s seventh largest trading partner in the first half of 2022. .

“Canada has become an ally of Querétaro as an important trading partner, since it has invested in the state from 1999 to 2022, an amount of more than two thousand 300 million dollars, placing it as the seventh trading partner of entity during the first half of 2022, as well as the third in the entity during the period from 1999 to 2022”, he argued.

Finally, Governor Kuri thanked the confidence of the arrival of Tim Hortons in the State, in addition to ensuring that the government must create the conditions for businessmen to want to invest and create jobs. for citizens.

“Here in Querétaro, we are convinced that the best social program that the government can implement is employment, so we must create conditions for businessmen to create jobs, because employment is not provided by the government but by businessmen, it is not for less the investment of 600 million pesos and generate a thousand new jobs in 3 years, ”explained the President of the State.

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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