TikTok: Young Canadian attends a Grupo 5 show and his dance moves are all the rage

Canadian tourist enjoys a Grupo 5 concert (@veroniqueangers)

Certainly all who are born in the Peru You can feel privileged. And those who don’t and come to visit, fall in love with our homeland without delay.

And it is that it is almost a custom to see many foreigners who hardly have contact with any part of the world on social networks, telling everything. Our culture they fall under her spell and want more from her.

Some, for example, are taken by our delicious gastronomy and after trying a ceviche, lomo saltado or energetic pachamanca.

Others are so because of their customs and popular music that crosses borders. As happened to a Canadian tourist who, while in Peru,discovered and enjoyed like never before music from one of the most famous cumbia groups in these regions: Grupo 5.

Internet users are wondering if the young Canadian will attend the Group 5 show on April 1 (@veroniqueangers)

Although the cumbia is a musical genre that can be heard in several countries of the continent, the one made in Peru has a particular flavor that makes everyone dance, as demonstrated the last sell which the band achieved by selling out three sold-out shows for the month of April.

This time, the video platform of ICT Tac made viral a young tourist of Canadian nationality who, during one of her visits to our country, had the opportunity to attend a concert by the Monsefuana orchestra.

As can be seen in the mini clip, lasting just 16 seconds, the reaction of the user identified as @veroniqueangers It caused a sensation with all the Internet users who wasted no time and shared the images on all the other social networks.

In the images you can see how the North American citizen shares a box with her friends in a local and dances with emotion, and a bottle of beer in her hand, the best hits of the group 5. In the short video you can hear performing his mix ‘Así se enjoy’.

The young lady took off her shoes to dance more comfortably to the songs of Group 5 (@veroniqueangers)

However, one of the main details that caught the attention of everyone who saw the clip is that @veroniqueangers, shamelessly, she takes off her shoes to dance more comfortably on the local grass.

Noticing the curious moment, his companion he did not hesitate to record it and record the joy of the Canadian who does not stop moving for a single moment.

This whole funny moment has gone viral on every social media where the video has been posted. Only in TikTok account, which has the phrase as description “I love you, Group 5”the small audiovisual production already counts more than 1.3 million reproductions until the closing of this note.

In the same way, it already takes more than 72.3 thousand red hearts which means “I like”. Finally, the comments have not stopped pouring in from all parts of Peru and there are already 847 posts, the majority celebrating the ease he has had so that he does not care what they say and takes off his shoes.

“Monsefú is waiting for you”, “for a moment I thought it was Melissa Klug”, “I absolutely have to go to Canada to bring me one like this”, “good pleasure that he didn’t there’s more”, “what happened to your shoes?”, “I enjoy life better than the owner 😂😂😂😂 to live life”, “and with his Pilsen”, “live the life that is one, success”“Peruvian Cumbia, yes sir!”, “The best in the north, group 5, we have plenty of singers”, are some of the messages that can be read.

Continue reading

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Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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