TIFF 2022 will present 16 films in Spanish

TIFF finally unveiled the full program for this year’s edition today. And of course there will be no shortage of films in Spanish to represent the Latino community.

By Estefany Saucedo

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is considered one of the most important festivals in the world. The films featured here are some of the most critically acclaimed and regularly win the hearts of audiences.

On this occasion, TIFF will present a total of 16 audiovisuals in Spanish or with some dialogue in this language. This 2022 films and short films from Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chili, Cuba Yes Spain.

What titles will be showcased at TIFF 2022?

Don’t miss the various films in Spanish that will be shown at TIFF this year. Here we share with you the 16 films you can see in Toronto this year, as well as their respective country(ies) of production.

  • Coal – Argentina and Brazil
  • Coyote-Canada
  • Daughter of Rage – Nicaragua
  • Sunday and Mist – Costa Rica
  • The substitute – Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Italy, France
  • Lido TV – Colombia, Canada
  • La Jauría – Colombia France
  • Love and Mathematics – Mexico
  • Manticore – Spain
  • My imaginary country – Chile
  • So much tenderness – Canada
  • Untold Stories – Spain
  • The Color of Ink – Canada
  • Venus – Spain
  • Vicenta B. – Cuba, Colombia, France, USA, Norway


The billboard with more than 300 films is tempting for all lovers of the seventh art. If you’re in Toronto, be sure to attend this year’s TIFF and support Spanish language productions.

Tickets for the public will be sold from September 5 at Official page of the TIFF.

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