Three Canadian cities among the world’s 10 best places to live

Three cities in Canada were considered among the 10 best in the world to live in the annual ranking of the Intelligence Unit of “The Economist” (EIU) and the 2022 World Livability Index.

Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto occupied places three, five and eight respectively.

Vienna, Austria takes the top spot in the rankings, while Copenhagen, Denmark is the second best city in the world to live.

This year, in its list, the Intelligence Unit of the publication The Economist, analyzed 172 cities. Each city received a score out of 100, based on 30 qualitative and quantitative factors divided into five categories: stability, health system, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

“The concept of habitability is simple: it assesses which places in the world offer the best or worst living conditions,” states The Economist report. A score of 1 is “intolerable,” according to the EIU, while 100 is “ideal.”

Calgary, Canada’s third-largest municipality according to StatCan, climbed 15 places from 2021, fueled by the city’s early easing of pandemic restrictions. The city got a score of 96.3.

Vancouver, which dropped out of the Top 10 in 2021, trailed Calgary with a score of 96.1.

Meanwhile, Toronto returned to the list in eighth place after falling out of the top 10 in 2021.

Here are the 10 best cities to live in the world

1. Vienna, Austria

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

3. Zurich, Switzerland (tie)

3. Calgary, Canada (tie)

5.Vancouver, Canada

6. Geneva, Switzerland

7. Frankfurt, Germany

8.Toronto, Canada

9. Amsterdam, Netherlands

10. Osaka, Japan (tie)

10. Melbourne, Australia (tie)

Thus, three Canadian cities are among the 10 best in the world to live

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Mona Watkins

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