They search for a missing Canadian in the port of Mazatlán

PHOTO: Courtesy.

Friends and family of the Canadian citizen Michael Thomas Sorenson He was reported missing last Wednesday, May 22, in the port of Mazatlán.

The Sinaloa State Search Commission issued a search card to try to locate the Canadian, whose contact has been lost since the 22nd.

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According to the information provided in the search form, the last contact had with Michael Thomas Sorenson It was around 5 a.m. last Wednesday while he was in the subdivision of Las Gaviotas, in the port of Mazatlán.

However, since contact was lost with him and until now it is not known where he is; Additionally, the clothes he wore at the time are unknown.

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Michael Thomas Sorenson He is 36 years old and 1.75 meters tall. approximately and has a white complexion and a thin complexion. His face is oval, his eyes are light brown and his hair is short and straight, light brown. Additionally, he has no tattoos and has several moles on his back.

If you have any information that could help you locate Michael Thomas Sorenson, telephone numbers are available to you. (669) 327 8424 and/or (669) 105 7953 as well as the email, in addition to the Facebook account Sinaloa State Search Commission.

Likewise, all information provided will be anonymously.

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