'They know he's leaving': US and Canada reject judicial reform because they see AMLO as weak, says Jorge Ramos


The relationship between the government of United States and Mexico showed some strainadding to the equation in recent days that of Canada. The reason? the reform of the judiciary which, in the coming days, will be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic.

Although various organizations and officials of the country with the stars and stripes have spoken out against the initiative proposed by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorpublic statements by the ambassadors of the United States and Canada to Mexico, Ken Salazar And Graeme C.Clarkrespectively, led the leader of the Executive to decide to take a break in his relations with the two leaders.

“They would like us to interfere in matters that only concern Mexicans. I hope that there will be a correction that they will be respectful of the independence of Mexico, of the sovereignty of our country. They have to learn, it's not just anything“, he warned during La Mañanera on August 27.

Ken Salazar AMLO. (Photo: Jovani Pérez)
Ken Salazar AMLO. (Photo: Jovani Pérez)

However, despite the federal president's announcement, neither the United States nor the Canadian government has reacted.

In this regard, the journalist Jorge Ramos He stressed in an interview with Azucena Uresti that this is due to the fact that both countries have begun to perceive a certain weakness of López Obrador, who in 34 days will hand over the presidential sash to his successor, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

“There is a term that explains well what is happening at the moment. In English, they call it Lame duck. The translation is impossible, but it would be like “lame duck.” Presidents here in the United States, before handing over power, are called lame duck in reference to a weak politician, because they lose power” explained the famous presenter of Univision TV news.

According to the American-Mexican communicator, the United States and Canada have decided to break an agreement tacit agreement not to intervene in Mexican politics due to the imminent and near end of the six-year term.

“They feel, first, that they can do it because López Obrador has only a few weeks left. Second, because they want to have a say on key issues. (…) To the governments of the United States and Canada They fear that judicial reform “This will not only affect the commercial issue, but also the fact that organized crime will enter more into the justice system,” he explained.

The president defended the reasons why he presented the reform to the judiciary Credit: Cuartoscuro
The president defended the reasons why he presented the reform to the judiciary Credit: Cuartoscuro

In his explanation, Ramos also pointed out that the capture of Ismael Zambada “El Mayo”co-founder of Sinaloa Cartelrecorded in El Paso, Texas, added some tension to the case.

And, more than a month later, the government of President Joe Biden has still not delivered a report on what happened to the López Obrador administration, which has asked to make the chronology public.

“The United States knows that Lopez Obrador is leaving,” he added.

(Infobae Mexico – Max Alonso and Martin Mariscal)
(Infobae Mexico – Max Alonso and Martin Mariscal)

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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