They held the first 2023 budget meeting in Rosario de la Frontera – Politics

The mayors of 8 municipalities and the legislators of the three departments of the southern region met the Governor to jointly prepare the provincial exercise next year.

Governor Gustavo Sáenz, in Rosario de la Frontera, led the first meeting to prepare the 2023 provincial budget. According to federal policy, the financial projection is carried out with the contribution of the mayors and legislators of each department of Salta, this being the first of the meetings scheduled for this month and the following in each region of the Province.

The President met with the mayors of 8 municipalities and the legislators of the departments of the southern province: Rosario de la Frontera, Metán and La Candelaria. “We are preparing an absolutely federal budget that reflects the needs of the population,” he said.

Sáenz highlighted the growth of public investments in all areas. Thus, he affirmed that the Province is growing at a steady pace because “we are planning the Salta of the future that we want; we know where we are going.”

He indicated that “we respect the commitment made with each municipality and department and we determine with you, who are in permanent contact with the populations, the priorities for distributing the work fairly”.

He told them about the trade and institutional missions he carried out recently to the governors of the Far North and previously to 8 governors in Canada to attract investment: “We are showing the enormous potential we have to offer the world what it needs today in mining, renewable energies, livestock, agriculture, tourism”, he underlined.

He also pointed out that legal certainty, clear rules of the game and speed in Salta give capital the confidence to invest. He thus quoted the report of the Canadian consulting firm Fraser which places Salta in an attractive and safe investment destination.

However, he warned that his leadership defends natural resources, seeking balance with the environment, people’s needs and their progress.

Likewise, he stressed that Salta, as a land of opportunities, must continue to develop its infrastructure. In this regard, he said that three times more has been invested in this area than last year and that progress is being made in strengthening the key areas of road, air, rail and digital connectivity.

The goal is to mobilize the economy, create real jobs and improve the quality of life for the people of Salta.

In the specific case of the departments of Rosario de la Frontera, Metán and La Candelaria, he explained that “we have invested more than 3 billion dollars in housing”.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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