They ask the mayor of Acapulco not to talk about homicides

The brunette mayor of Acapulco, Abelina Lopez Rodriguezsaid that in the coordination table for the construction for peace, he was asked not to make statements (to the media) on the murders that occur in your municipality.

This matter came to light when reporters asked him about the ten murders that occurred in different parts of Acapulco over the weekend where the port, according to reports from the Ministry of Tourism, had a hotel occupancy of 65%.

“These are matters that the prosecution must finally investigate, it is beyond me, I come from Coordination tablethe details are given there and the indication is not to talk about what it is not for me to talk about, “said López Rodríguez.

The coordination table that the mayor of Acapulco was talking about is the one that is held every morning to report on the violent events that occur in Guerrero and the measures that are taken.

These meetings are chaired by the Governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda and the head of the Secretary of Public Security, Evelio Gómez Méndez.

Meanwhile, workers from the Ministry of Public Security (SPP) denounced that they were forbidden to discuss political, religious and social issues within their offices.

“They are asked to take the necessary measures so that they refrain from making any type of political, religious or any other type of propaganda during working hours, as well as within their workplace”, reads -on in the circular that the Technical Undersecretary, Administrative Support and Human Development, Marco Antonio Guijosa Mora, sent to the departments and work areas of the SPP.

Read: A man is murdered in Icacos, Acapulco; There are three murders on the beaches of Guerrero in 24 hours

A state police officer who requested that his name be withheld for fear of reprisal said that this circular from the SPP has to do with the dissatisfaction that exists within the ranks of this company because the governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda continues to fail to comply with a series of labor demands and the delivery of uniforms, boots, patrols and new weapons.

According to the policeman, for a few days they had planned to protest on the occasion of the first work report that Salgado Pineda will make next Monday, the 17th.

“But with this circular they sent, surely none of the colleagues will protest because their dismissal is in danger,” he said.

In 2017, under PRI government Héctor Astudillo Flores, more than 150 state police officers staged a work stoppage and march along the Autopista del Sol to demand travel expenses, an increase in insurance- lives, new patrols, uniforms and new flak. vests and armament.

Because of this protest, the officers were fired and most of them sued and later filed a federal lawsuit.

In 2021, the police win the case and obtain reinstatement and payment of lost wages.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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