They arrest a taxi driver who tried to charge 17,000 pesos to a Canadian tourist in Cancun

The man did not remain silent about the taxi driver's excessive accusations. Photo: screenshot

After the video shared from the profile Tic Tac of the Canadian tourist where apparently a A taxi driver wanted to charge him $1,000 for a ride and it went viralthe boy's call to police paid off after the identity of the driver accused of abuse was found.

With the help of members of the National Guardthe person was arrested with accusations of wanting to defraud foreign visitors arriving in Cancun, Quintana Roo, with excessive fees from the international airport to their hotels.

Because the man felt that the accusation was not fair, he quickly reported the facts, trying to publicize the situation that this region of the country is going through so that the authorities could intervene.

The Canadian tourist assured that while trying to escape, the taxi driver almost broke his leg with his vehicle Credit: TikTok @calisthenixpro

Upon arrival in one of the busiest and best-known destinations in all of Mexico, last weekend, a young Canadian arrived in Aztec lands with the aim of enjoying the heavenly beaches of Cancun.

However, his vacation trip had not yet started and he already had several problems getting to his resting place because, although it was apparently nearby, the taxi driver wanted to charge around 17,000 Mexican pesos. just to take you from terminal 3 to terminal 4 of the airport.

In the video, you can see the boy calling the police and asking for the emergency number to be called so they can take care of his case. In this sense, elements of the National Guard began an investigation where they managed to find the identity of the man the same night while he was working.

The man managed to record everything he experienced with the driver outside the airport. Credit: TikTok @calisthenixpro

The accused was found with the name of Eduardo “G”, is 30 years old and will be brought before the authorities for extortion crimes against a foreign person. This set a precedent for security institutions in Quintana Roo to investigate other possible cases of abuse against any tourist, whether Mexican or foreign.

In addition to his arrest, the National Guard also requested assistance from tow trucks so they could recover the car the man was using to provide transportation services. In this sense, they sent to the corralón a white Kia Río vehicle, numbered 220 and owned by the company “Airport”, which was transported directly to the city corralón.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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