The United States will take “strong” measures to reduce migration

The US Departments of State and Homeland Security announced new measures to reduce irregular migration in the region. And “to facilitate the safe, orderly and humane treatment of migrants”.

The United States warns that the upcoming termination of Title 42 will not imply that its borders are open and that it will resume using the rules set by Title 8 for “promptly deal with and expel people who arrive illegally at the US border.

The controversial Title 42 was created with the onset of the pandemic and allowed authorities deport immediately, by land in Mexico, those who have entered the country irregularly.

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It has been done Not registered to those who crossed the border without a visa, so migrants returning to Mexico tried again several times. Without any legal consequences.

NOW, from May 11 at 23:59they will return to rule punishments which include the re-entry ban for at least five years and the possible criminal prosecution against repeated attempts at illegal entry.

In addition, persons crossing the southwestern border without permission “will be presumed to have do not have the right to asylum under a new draft regulation, where there is no applicable exception”.

“The restoration of Title 8 processing should reduce the number of repeat border crossings over time, which increased significantly during the term of Title 42,” the statement said. state department.

The measures announced by Washington on April 28, 2023 are will implement in close coordination with regional partnersincluding the governments of Mexico, Canada, Spain, Colombia and Guatemala.

Steps to manage the immigration crisis at the U.S. border include:

  • He extended app access CBP one present themselves at an official point of entry. Migrants from central and northern Mexico will have access to the mobile application to make an appointment and present themselves at a port.
  • New Permit Processes (speech) for family reunification, the Department of Homeland Security created new processes for family reunification permits for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. It also modernizes existing processes for Cubans and Haitians.
  • Double the number of refugees from the Western HemispherePresident Joe Biden’s administration has pledged to take in thousands more refugees per month.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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