The Swedish army bans TikTok on its mobile devices – El Sudcaliforniano

swedish army announced on Monday that bans its military from using the Chinese application TikTok on their professional mobile devices For safety reasons, following in the wake of other Western countries that have taken similar steps.

“The use of cell phones and tablets can in itself pose a security risk. Therefore, we no longer want TikTok in our service equipment”, said Swedish Armed Forces spokeswoman Guna Graufeld.

Read also : TikTok’s crucial moment according to its CEO: almost half of the US use the app which could be banned

In its decision, which AFP was able to consult, the Swedish army says it relied on public information “about how the app captures user data.”

The White House, the European Commission and the Canadian and British governments have banned recently to their officials use tiktok on their work phones. He norwegian parliament He did the same last week.

The reason for these fears is a Chinese law of 2017 What obliges local businesses to hand over to the authorities, on demandPersonal informations that have to do with national security issues.

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China said on Friday that it does not require its companies to transmit data collected overseas as the short video app faces a possible outright ban in the United States.


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Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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