“The serious”, ask Canada and the United States: “it’s not for fun”

The United States Embassy in Mexico and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CanCham) They asked the government to Mexico treat “with determination and seriousness” the consultations on national energy policies, promoted by the two nations within the framework of the T-MEC.

Last Wednesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reacted during his morning conference to the notification of the requests sent by the United States Department of Commerce (USTR by its acronym in English) with the song “Uy que scary” by the late singer Chico Che.

Meanwhile, in an interview with MILLENNIUMSecretary Tatiana Clouthier commented that “the Ministry of Economy is the space where the dialogue will take place to find solutions”, and we will go and see what is hurting them in time (for EU Yes Canada) and consider these questions. »

The manager said no judgment can be made on the end result; “It seems like we want to see the end, and we want to see a tragedy, when we haven’t sat down to talk yet.”

He explained that there is a certain term for this and “we will explore the 75 days to see if we can find solutions and we are not buying the box of the dead right now to bury him while the man barely has a sore throat,” the secretary said. Clouthier.

partners respond

the ambassador of EU in Mexico, Ken Salazar, called for a determined approach to the energy dispute. On social networks, he writes: “The consultation mechanism is a fundamental element of the USMCA that benefits all three countries by allowing us to resolve disputes quickly. We must approach this energy dispute with determination and seriousness for a speedy resolution.

Meanwhile, the vice president of Energy Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico (Canchem), Carlos de María y Camposasserted that “Mexico must seriously address the consultations requested by the countries” in the trade agreement.

He added that the consequences of reaching a panel could be very serious because “the impact it can have on the economy is not laughable”, he said.

He explained that investigations Canada coincide in their motives with those of EUin particular because of the predominance given to Pemex Yes CFEas well as refusing, omitting or delaying procedures allowing companies to buy or produce energy.

prepare the defense

Yesterday, Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard indicated that the team that will defend Mexico in the consultation process of the USMCA.

In a video, he indicated that he was entering a meeting to prepare the team that, together with Economy, will be in charge of taking care of the consultation process. “We are going to be prepared and defend our arguments,” he explained.

He was positive about the controversy presented on Wednesday and assured “we will move forward”.

Later in a press conference, the CFE maintained its position that the agreement is not violated and will defend this position during the mechanism.

“The position of the Attorney General and that of the CFE This is exactly what the president said today, the treaty is not breached and this is what will be demonstrated (in the consultation),” the spokesperson said. well done.

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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