The scandalous recipe that has gone viral on the networks for all its ingredients: “Let them forbid it…” – Live

If there’s something we all love to do on the weekends, it’s start cooking because we have more time than ever. It is then, by the way, that we get the best possible recipes. And hey, if we don’t know any of this, easily searched on the internet and you left an exquisite dish.

Of course, as always, not everything that appears on the Internet should be trusted, as there are times when the information being disseminated is not entirely correct. And yes, it also happens with recipes. Otherwise, tell all TikTok users who have seen how Berta, a girl from this social network, shared a recipe for “pizza” which left everyone stunned.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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