The real reason Justin Bieber canceled his world tour

The fans of justin bieber They received bad news. The Canadian singer’s producer has released an official statement on the cancellation of all concerts of his tour, ‘Justice World Tour’, to prioritize the artist’s health.

Given this news, the networks have been filled with endless rumors. All point to the syndrome from which Bieber suffers, that of Ramsay Huntwhich causes facial paralysis, but sources close to the singer assure that it is more related to the Mental Health young people

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Video editing

Justin Bieber shows in a video the effects of the virus that paralyzed half of his face

“We regret to inform you that the broadcasts of Justin Bieber, his “Justice World Tour”, have been cancelled. We understand your disappointment and We apologize for any inconvenience that this can cause”, published the promoter of the artist in his social networks.

Apparently this tour is a complete headache for the Canadian. Supposedly, his start date was marked in 2020 but he had to be postponement due to the pandemic and it had to be postponed twice due to the singer’s health issues.

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Until further notice, fans who already have their tickets for the concerts to be held in Madrid and Barcelona need not worry, because they can claim their money or keep it for the new dates, that the same promoter will indicate.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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