The president resumed his activity after rest due to gastritis: how he follows Fernández’s agenda

President Alberto Fernandez resumed its official activity after the rest for gastritis which caused him decompensation in Bali, Indonesia. A week with little public activity is expected, but with a presence at the Casa Rosada and a few meetings.

Just after 10:30 a.m., an hour and a half later the defeat of Argentina team against Saudi ArabiaFernández arrived at Balcarce 50 to reoccupy his office. He is thus keeping his promise to gradually resume his activities as suggested by the presidential medical unit.

On Saturday, the Head of State again carried out a medical check-up at the Otamendi sanatorium. The studies gave a favorable result. With no signs of bleeding, the president should continue to monitor his condition.

From Quinta de Olivos, over the weekend he was engaged in negotiations with Brazil, USA and Canada by the successor of Mauricio Claver Carone in front of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Argentine participation in the management of the organism.

The studies gave a favorable result. With no signs of bleeding, the president should continue to monitor his condition.

He had planned a trip to Mexico for next Thursday which he finally canceled. The link with his Caribbean counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador was severed after he did not support the strategy of Argentina in the election of the new IDB President.

“President-elect Lula and President Alberto Fernández of Argentina will not be there, but it’s our house for both of us, we are very good friends, and later, surely, they will visit us”, confirmed López Obrador.


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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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