The president of the Mexican Hunting Federation dies after being hit by a buffalo he had shot

Jragedia in the world of hunting. Mario Alberto Channelspresident of the Mexican Hunting Federation (FEMECA), died last Friday in the Argentinian province of Entre Ríos after being hit by a buffalo he had shot.

Canals, 64 years old, I was hunting with three friends and a guide in the municipality of Costa Uruguay Sur when he decided to move away from the group when he spotted a buffalo. The hunter fired his rifle and injured the animal, which reacted by charging. Finally, the guide killed the animal with five blows.

Canales was taken in a vehicle to the nearest hospital, but given the severity of his injuries, which included multiple rib and sternum fracturesNothing could be done to save his life.

The Mexican hunter defines himself as a defender by conviction of responsible, legal and ethical hunting as a means of conservation. FEMECA expressed in a statement its “tremendous sadness” upon hearing the news and mourned his death, remembering him as a “conservative and tireless fighter for hunters’ rights”. “Their generous friendship leaves an indelible mark on us,” he added in the statement.

Among the many messages of condolence, that of Jim Shockey, renowned Canadian hunter, television producer and presenter of many related programs. “My deepest condolences to the family of Mario Canales, killed two days ago by a buffalo in Argentina. I and all of us who knew this man of Conservation, this man of honor, president of the Mexican Hunting Federation, mourn with his family.. They say hunters never die… They just go deeper into the forest,” he posted on social media.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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