The police patrols most requested by resident foreigners: CAPTA | Tourism | News | DVT

Further visits police in their sectors, is the most requested request on security issues by the foreign community that resides in the Port of Mazatlán in front of the Center for Attention and Protection of Tourists.

It was the same head of CAPTA, Donovan Quiñones Castro, who revealed the information, stating that the main requests or advice are aimed at immigration procedures, followed by the request for greater police presence in their residential areas. .

In this sense, the municipal official added that CAPTA maintains close communication with the Ministry of Public Security of Mazatlán to respond to the request of foreign residents in the port and that their attention is more immediate.

After the shooting attack on a Mazatlan businessman in a restaurant where 3 Canadian foreigners were collaterally injured, he stressed that they were ready to continue working and that the travel alerts or “warnings” issued by the United States does not affect Mazatlán and Sinaloa. In view of this panorama, he affirmed that this violent act does not affect the cruise passengers who have arrived now, not going down to the port, since 60% of them go down.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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