The mysterious case of Andrew Dawson after seeing a possible giant in Canada | Company

Tiktoker Andrew Dawson had his moment of glory after spotting a possible giant on a mountain in Canada, which continued with a series of increasingly bizarre videos.

Viral videos can often deal with surprising, funny or entertaining themes, but there are cases where the recordings are often suspicious, strange or mysterious. This is the case of Andrew Dawson, a man who, after posting several videos, began to attract attention because of the subject of their content.

Andrew normally showed her daily routine, playing with her dogrecord videos with her granddaughter or show her the way to work, until the day when he saw something strange on his wayhe therefore decided to publish it on his TikTok account, arousing the interest of his subscribers and those who love mystery.

Unusual sighting of a possible giant

On April 9 of this year, Andrew Dawson posted a video recording towards the mountain known as “Whistler Peakin Jarpes National Park, Alberta, Canada. There he showed a human figure on top of the mountain, commenting that it was a giant, while trying to stabilize the video while he was the co-pilot atop a moving vehicle. The video scores 4.1 million views to date.

Then he posted another video where he commented on the viralization of the file of the possible giant, which he could not register well due to the movement, asking for help from someone or a company to fly over the place in a helicopter. As well He added that he would return to the mountain to continue recording and capture something closer with a better angle.

On April 12, Andrew uploaded a video where I was hunting with a friend after the figure that they had seen a few days ago, for try to get closer and clearer images. Upon reaching a spot near the mountain and with good visibility from the spot, Andrew said the person was no longer visible as he pointed to the area, saying he had spoken with locals, who say the silhouette comes and goes.


♬ original sound – Andrew Dawson

suspicious situations

I was just arrested by someone from the CIAwho told me that I had to turn around and that the pass was forbidden, but it is a public area and other locals told me to go through this pass, “said Andrew in a new video released the same April 12.

“I didn’t record on camera that I’m going tomorrow and I’ll be ready to film it because they blocked my vehicle saying there were environmental issues and I had to turn around and not pass. I don’t understand,” he added.

The next day (April 13), Andrew and his dog Rex got into their truck at 5:32 a.m. to see if they could spot another strange event in the mountain. His motivation and his curiosity after the case, managed to capture an unknown object flying above the mountain where a few days before he had seen the giant.

A few hours later, he takes the road to the mountain, where this showed that they may have been extracting something using two helicopters.


♬ original sound – Andrew Dawson

second meeting

During April 14, Andrew returned to the same stage towards the mountain, where a few days earlier he had been arrested by a possible CIA agent., to try your luck on this opportunity. There he shows a car blocking the road and a subject outside the car stopping Andrew’s way, who told him the road was closed and he needed to turn around.

I don’t understand why it’s closed, if it’s a public parking lot or a public road, I don’t know“Commented the man after walking away from the pass.


♬ original sound – Andrew Dawson

Three days have passed since this event, so Andrew uploads a new video again on his TikTok account, where he shows that the same car that stopped in the mountain a few days ago was in front of his house. He decides to confront them by going out of his house and calling them, but the car speeds up and gets lost on the road.

weird update video

After days without any updates from Andrew, On May 9, he uploaded a new video to his TikTok account updating the whole thing., saying he’s not dead and he’s not gone either. He then said the previously posted videos were fake and just for entertainment, for which he apologized.

What generated the strangeness of the video, was Andrew’s position in front of the camerawith his hands in his pockets and looking to his left at one point so the theories say that he felt uncomfortable making the statements.


♬ original sound – Andrew Dawson

“I am scared” is the title of the video uploaded on May 16, accompanied by the following description: “A lot of things have happened and they can’t force me to keep silent”. In the recording, a nervous Andrew is seen entering his house and looking worried. “You may not see me posting anymore, my videos are not fake,” Andrew said while recording the video.

The next day, Andrew posts his latest video related to the topic, where shows an alleged military vehicle on top of the mountain, in the same area of ​​the appearance of the giant possible. “It wasn’t here yesterday,” were Andrew’s last words in the video.


♬ original sound – Andrew Dawson

mysterious death

Faced with the great absence and lack of updates from Andrew Dawson on his TikTok account, where he always maintained the frequency of his videos, users started searching for him on all social networksto know his condition and if he was well with his family.

July 1, Campbell River Mirror Portal, published in his obituary the sad death of Andrew Dawson at the age of 34. In the publication about his death, neither the date of his death nor his cause of death were indicated.

After months of mourning, his widow posted a video where he mentioned that his death has nothing to do with the case and Andrew had been battling depression for years.He also said the videos were real except for the cars and the subject stopping him on the road.

For the moment, we do not know more about the case. and because TikTok is a Chinese social network, the account @andykapt He hasn’t been suspended, nor have his most viral videos been deleted since Andrew’s death.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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