The Mexican assured that he earns 3,500 pesos a day harvesting cherries in Canada and went viral on TikTok

Mexican man goes viral for showing cherry sting in Canada (Picture: Screenshot)

A Mexican who assured on TikTok that he earns between 3,000 and 3,500 pesos a day to work in the cherry harvest in Canada, it went viral, as thousands of people were interested in the “possibility” of doing the same and earn in a week more than the average salary from a professional in Mexico.

User @soywalter.enciso recounted through several videos his experience in the Canadian country, pointing out that It is common for several people to leave for work during the season and return to their respective countries with their earnings.who are usually from growing economies to live comfortably.

He criticized the fact that if the average salary in Mexico, even in offices, is 200 pesos a day, that is 3 thousand pesos or even double in case of people more experienced in harvesting.

In his first video, which has reached over 2.6 million views at the time of this publication, he points out that you don’t need to speak English or have experience start in one of the cherry tree fields.

Archive image of Robusta coffee cherry trees in São Gabriel da Palha, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil.  May 2, 2018. REUTERS/Jose Roberto Gomes
Archive image of Robusta coffee cherry trees in São Gabriel da Palha, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. May 2, 2018. REUTERS/Jose Roberto Gomes

However, he explains that he has to fill boxes between 20 and 25 pounds (11 kilos) a day. He said that in three or four months you can earn enough money to live in Mexico for an entire year. For example, if you work 120 days, or almost four months without a break, you can earn 420,000 Mexican pesos.

Faced with the provocative idea of ​​earning in a few months what a Mexican with an average salary of 8 thousand pesos per month would not see even in a full year of work users started asking questions of all kinds to the user.

“Don’t just give advice, give: your contacts, how you got there, who you went with, what company, what numbers, don’t just give us advice”, was the claim of one of the TikTok users.

Given the request for additional information, the young man uploaded four other videos explaining how to start cherry picking in Canada without speaking English, with a tourist visa and without experience.

He explained that the harvest season can start between July and August, but it is better to be in Facebook groups where there are several “gatherers” that information circulates and even where farmers post their offers seasonal employees.

He said that once you have this information you need to get in touch with the farm or even other people who are planning to reach the harvest, so you just have to buy a ticket to Canada.

Even so, he pointed out that one must also think that it is possible that the affected farm no longer needs more pickers, so one must have a plan bwhich might mean looking for another one in the same area, since other cherry growers are concentrated there, as well as carry a minimum of 30 or 40 thousand pesos. The latter will also be important so as not to arouse suspicion at the airport.

If you arrive with money in the bank account, pretends to be a tourist in the eyes of immigration from Canada, so there should be no problem in that sense, he also advised to go with all the necessary documents such as passport or visa.

He also pointed out that although food is more expensive and one can spend between 100 and 150 Canadian dollars a week, or about 2,300 Mexican pesos, you save on accommodationsince he sleeps in a Villa in the same hectares of the farm and there are toilets, kitchen and refrigerators.

Finally, he said it will depend on which farm each person arrives at, as there will be different amenities, as well as the physical resistance of each, as it could be very exhausting for some, warning that work starts at midnight and ends almost at noon.


Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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