The huge fires in Canada, leave smoke that suffocates Montreal and reaches Europe

Fires continue to devastate huge tracts of land in Canada.
Laurent Pasqualini Laurent Pasqualini weathered italy 5 minutes

Hundreds of wildfires have ravaged huge swathes of land in Canada for weeks, in both eastern and western regions, forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate and leave their homes.

In addition to burning thousands of hectares of vegetation, the fires released huge amounts of smoke into the atmosphere in Junewith enormous consequences in cities like New York, hundreds of miles away, where visibility was greatly reduced and the air quality reached alarming levels.

For the past few hours, smoke from the fires is literally choking the city of Montreal, Quebecwhere yesterday the worst air quality of any major city was recorded, according to the authorities. The most populous city hit “unhealthy” air quality on Sunday June 25, according to IQAir, the air quality index that tracks pollution around the world.

The problem is mainly fine dust, and the authorities are advising people to limit outdoor activities and use face masks, while swimming pools and outdoor sports fields were closed. This is all down to the hundreds of fires that continue to burn across the country.

Smoke from the fires suffocates Montreal and reaches Europe

But the thing does not stop there. Smoke from Canadian fires drifts to Europe in past hours. In the satellite animation, relating to the morning of this Monday, June 26, 2023, on Twitter above you can see the smoke from the canadian fires on the iberian peninsula.

Extreme fire season in Canada

The fire season in Canada has started this year earlier than usual and with unusual vigorreports The New York Times, bringing destruction even to areas where such large fires do not usually occur, such as in Quebec. Millions of hectares have been affected by the flames.

Fires are common in the spring and summer across most of Canada, but often occur in remote, sparsely populated areas. This year, the situation is quite different, and it is on a different scale than in the past.

Fires in Canada have already devastated several million hectares of forest in recent weeks. A dry, windy and abnormally warm spring created the ideal conditions for the spread of wildfires.

these lights they are of considerable size, in large numbers (hundreds are active at the moment) and are produced in large areas of the countrycovering an area already greater than that burned last year, despite the fact that it is only the beginning of summer.

A dry, windy and abnormally warm spring created ideal conditions for the spread of wildfires. In mid-June, the toll was more than 2,600 individual fires recorded and some 15 million hectares burned.. Last year, 560,000 hectares were affected during the same period, much less than in this historic and worrying year 2023.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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