The controversial measure against dogs in Canada, which provoked the fury of citizens

Authorities have put up a sign to ‘prohibit’ dogs from barking in parks (Christin Klose/dpa)

People in big cities are used to all kinds of noise, cars, heavy machinery, noise, places with loud music and the barking or meowing of walking animals. In Toronto, Canadaofficials decided it was a good idea ban dog barking in local parks.

It all started when in one of the parks dedicated to these pets they found a sign asking owners control their dogs to prevent them from barking. The sign’s caption read: ‘Due to the proximity of area residents, please do not allow your dogs to bark and disturb the neighborhood. Excessive barking will not be tolerated.”

The measure was not well accepted by canine guardians and they decided to intervene, leading authorities to think twice before playing with the pets.

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Neighborhood residents felt the poster had somewhat hostile language (Pixabay)

In an interview for the Canadian television channel, world newsLee-Tal Haruka, a local resident who regularly walks his pet in said park, commented that doesn’t seem like a reasonable rulefor it is natural for these animals to make noise when they live with others of the same species.

“We’re at a dog park, so I think there’s a good chance there’s some sort of barking or a bit of a fuss. I don’t know why would anyone think this is a reasonable sign“, condemned the owner on the measure taken at the beginning of the week.

Faced with complaints from different people, two municipal employees they were sent to the park remove sign Wednesday March 8th. For its part, Toronto City Council released a statement explaining that the sign did not adequately communicate what it was looking for.

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“Although the sign was placed in this location with the intention of helping off-leash users and neighboring residents live together harmoniously, we acknowledge that the information did not serve the purpose“, detailed the authorities of the city.

A poster with the same objective appeared in another Toronto park, but the language used was different (District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare)

In another park dedicated to dogs in the same city, three other signs were placed, but with a different message. Agree with Guardianthe inhabitants of the place sympathize with the rest of the neighbors because they consider that sometimes the dogs make too much noise.

“Please be respectful of the neighbors and avoid your dog’s barking,” was the phrase those signs had, along with friendly language. one of the locals explained that this message was a little more polite compared to the previous one.

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According to the British newspaper, Thursday, March 9, several residents took into consideration the request of the authorities and they controlled dogs that started barking meet his friends in the park.

The Canadian Animal Health Institute (CAHI), in its most recent pet population report, reported that during the coronavirus pandemic, households with at least one pet have increased by 60%.

The organization estimates that currently in Canada there are 7.9 million domestic dogs, who suggested that there is a special relationship between pets and people. CAHI Program Director Dr. Emily Bondo explained that having a pet has many benefits for mental health and coping with stressful situations.

“It will be interesting to see if this trend continues, now that life is returning to the new normal,” the doctor concluded regarding the growth of pets in Canada.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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