Stroll excited about Aston Martin F1 future with Alonso

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The roots of the current team Aston Martin they return to the team Jordanwhich made its debut at the “Great Circus” in 1991. Since then, the structure has undergone several changes of ownership and name, the most recent being that of the Canadian billionaire Lawrence Stroll, who bought the team force india Vijay Mallya in the midst of a difficult situation.

The Indian team went bankrupt in the middle of the 2018 season due to a series of financial problems and, after a period in which it ran as Race pointsince 2021 they do it like Aston Martin. Silverstone’s is constantly expanding as evidenced by the continued recruitment of top staff.

“We’ve had some tough years since 2020, but that’s due to circumstances. We know the reasons, I think we’re in a rebuilding phase. We have a lot of talented people working for us, people who are in the business. team for a long time and the people who joined us recently,” said the Aston Martin driver, Spear Stroll.

“This process will take time, but I am confident in the future we are moving in the right direction,” added the son of the British team owner.

One of Aston Martin’s main signings was Dan Fallowswho came from Red Bull and that he was the right arm of the star designer Adrian Newley in the Milton Keynes team.

However, the news that has made the most headlines, and rightly so, is due to the hiring of Fernando Alonso replace Sebastian Vettelsince he came at a time when everyone, even in AlpineThey expected him to sign his renewal. Having the two-time Asturias champion, obviously, has also raised expectations internally.

“I think Fernando’s arrival is very exciting. He’s obviously a very talented driver with a lot of experience so I’m looking forward to working with him,” said Lance Stroll.

Aston Martin occupies the seventh position in the Constructors’ World Cup with two laps to go to reach the end of the 2022 season of the Formula 1but four points behind Alfa Romeo and he could finish the season sixth if he continues with his good momentum, which would be a rather positive result after his difficult start to the season.


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Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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