So you can live and work in Canada if you are young with the International Experience | International | information

Do you want to live and work in Canada? International Experience is a special program that offers different alternatives for you to work temporarily in the country, if you are between 18 and 35 years old.

Through this program, young foreigners can live and work in Canada for up to two years.

By working temporarily in Canada with international experience, you will have employment rights such as receiving minimum wage, being in a safe workplace, and the employer will not be able to take away your passport or work permit.

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It is necessary to present a diploma or degree to verify that the work will help their development. Photo: LightField Studios

How can I live and work in Canada if I am young?

This program offers three different work experiences: working holiday, international co-op (internship) and young professionals. Citizens of some countries only have the option to apply for one.

In each of the experiences, there are pages where candidates enter their profile to receive an invitation to a job.

Candidates can enter their profile free of charge. The only fee that needs to be covered is 156 Canadian dollars and must be paid once an offer is made and the work permit application is submitted.

The jobs available correspond to a variety of fields, ranging from hospitality and tourist sites to law, health, science, education, communications and commerce.

One of the advantages of International Experience Canada is that young people can take courses for up to six months during their stay in the country, as examined live the united states.

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You will have labor rights such as receiving minimum wage, being in a safe workplace, and the employer will not be able to take away your passport or work permit. Photo: Fat Camera

Experiences for young people to work in Canada

Working Holiday: Young people who do not yet have a job offer and who want to work for more than one employer in Canada can enter the pool of this experience. It is a good option for those who want to earn money to be able to travel during their stay in the country.

International cooperation : Undergraduate students who have an offer of work or internship in Canada enter into this modality. However, candidates must prove that they need this activity to complete their studies.

Young Professionals: Young people who have a job offer in Canada that can contribute to their professional development can only work for one employer during their stay in the country.

In this experience, a specific work permit is required. It is necessary to present a diploma or degree to verify that the work will help their development. And the employer must comply with all labor laws of the jurisdiction in which the young person will work.

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Requirements to participate in International Experience Canada

  • Be a citizen of a country with which Canada has agreements for the program. Mexico is one of them.
  • Have a valid passport while in Canada.
  • Be between 18 and 35 years old. In the case of the Working Holiday experience, only those under 29 are admitted.
  • Possess 2,500 Canadian dollars to cover expenses while in Canada.
  • Take out medical insurance during the trip.
  • To participate in Working Holiday, it is also necessary to be enrolled in a university in the country of origin.
  • Send CV.
  • Students who register for an internship must provide proof of their studies with their professional diploma or a letter from their university.
  • Have a criminal record check.

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The jobs available correspond to a variety of fields, ranging from hospitality and tourist sites to law, health, science, education, communications and commerce. Photo: Wavebreakmedia

Candidates for international experience who meet all the conditions can create their profile on the portal

Young people who match the employer profiles will receive an invitation to a job. They will have 10 days to accept the invitation and 20 days to begin the permit application process with the Canadian government.


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