Shania Twain releases ‘Waking Up Dreaming’, her first song in five years

Redacción Cultura, Sep 23 (EFE).- The Canadian cantautora Shania Twain released this year “Waking Up Dreaming”, which premiered in 2017 and released in 2017 its final studio album, “Now”, which went to number 1 on sale in United States.

The song, a way to mark the beginning of a new artistic stage with a new record partner, Republic Nashville, also coincides with a good media moment for the Canadian after the release on Netflix of the documentary on her career “Not Just A Girl”.

Winner of five Grammy Awards, with an equal number of studio albums released to date and one hundred million copies sold worldwide, Twain (Windsor, Canada, 1965) is the most successful female country artist in history. . .

The reception of “Come On Over” (1997), which included “hits” such as “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!”, “You’re Still The One” or “That Don’t Impress Me Much”, which became the best-selling album by a female artist and the best-selling album of that decade.

Five years then passed until the publication of his next work, “Up!” (2002), although the period was longer until his last album, the aforementioned “Now”, in part because, as the Netflix documentary recounts, Twain had to battle Lyme disease, which has seriously affected his voice.

Mona Watkins

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