Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens promise The Usos they’ll win their championships at WrestleMania

By Antonio Rubio Ato On 04/01/2023

With just 24 hours until WrestleMania on Saturday, the protagonists of one of the event’s most anticipated fights saw each other in WWE’s blue brand for the last time, this time without coming to blows. However, the segment was loaded with emotion and promise.

The Usos opened the WrestleMania SmackDown episode. Jimmy reminded the audience that in a single day, the most important tag team match in the history of the big event would take place. However, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens did not allow her to continue her promo, interrupting her with her entrance.

The public received the faces with a standing ovation. Sami agreed with Jimmy’s words, adding that at WrestleMania 39 his story would end. Zayn and Owens went to the ring, where they assured that tonight they would leave everything said.

Kevin took the mic and confessed to having mixed feelingsWell, when he came to WWE, the Usos gave him a warm welcome. However, his respect for them ended when they decided to work for Roman Reigns. Kevin raised his speech, assuring that tomorrow the titles will be taken away from them.

Jimmy responded to the faces, pointing out that they don’t feel any kind of affection towards them. Jimmy added that what he has with his brother Jey and The Bloodline are real family ties. Zayn disagreed, referring to loyalty, something that upset Jey. Sami wanted to influence the issue, pointing out that Roman Reigns loaded them both with the full weight of The Bloodline.

However, Zayn promised that once he and Owens take the WWE Unified Tag Team Championships away from them, that would be the end of The Bloodline, and finally Jey and Jimmy can be the Usos the public wants again, only they don’t. won’t have titles to wear on his waist.

Jey was annoyed, but he got over it quickly and, after watching the Canadians, he started shaking his head. The Samoan replied that at WrestleMania everything will be business as usualwith the Usos defeating their rivals and leaving the event still as champions in an edition that will be known as “Bloodline-Mania”.

The two teams looked at each other intently one last time before the end of the segment.. The next time they meet will be at the biggest event of the year, where the vast majority of the public will support the Canadiens in what could be the perfect end to one of the best-conceived rivalries of recent years. .

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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