Republicans threaten Mayorkas with impeachment


The leader of the Republicans House of RepresentativesKevin McCarthy, asked the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alexander Mayorkasto step down over his handling of the US southern border, and warned that the new Republican majority in the lower house would launch investigations that could lead to impeachment.

McCarthy, who is well positioned to become the new speaker of the lower house when the new Congress Installed in January, he said the Republican majority would use “funding power and subpoena power” to hold the Biden administration accountable for border security.

“If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action and every failure to determine if we can open an impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy said at a press conference in El Paso, in Texas.

Accompanied by his fellow House Republicans, mostly from Texas, McCarthy said he had spoken with the new chairs of the relevant investigative committees and given their “full support” to launch investigations.

McCarthy said he expects Mayorkas to step down on Jan. 3, when the new Congress convenes. Investigations will begin on day one, he said. “That’s enough,” he added.

Border security is a priority for House Republicans, and Mayorkas is among the top officials they want to investigate and try to suppress, possibly through impeachment.

McCarthy has yet to win votes from House Republicans to become House speaker and is working to rally support ahead of what is expected to be a narrow majority vote.

the republican of California he especially needs the votes of right-wing lawmakers, who are eager to begin the impeachment trial against Mayorkas and other Biden administration officials.

Lawmakers pledged to hold public hearings at the border to highlight security concerns.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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