Raquel Buenrostro asks these officials to resign – El Financiero

Raquel Buenrostro, the new Secretary of the Economy, is carrying out a “cleansing” within the agency, a measure which risks affecting the team which leads the negotiation of the consultations filed by the United States and Canada for the T-MEC.

Sources consulted by The financier They claimed that Buenrostro asked Luz María de la Mora, Undersecretary for Foreign Trade, to leave his post. De la Mora is essential in the conversations initiated by disagreements with Mexico’s energy policy, since she was the main person responsible for the dialogue.

But De la Mora is not the only official who has had to give up his post. Sources who spoke to this newspaper confirm that the following people have also been asked to “stand down”:

  • Antonio Letayfgeneral manager of industries.
  • elodin warCEO of Heavy Industries.
  • benjamin reyesDirector General of Commercial Regulation;
  • Mario Saucedo Romerodirector general of human resources (in this area up to the level of deputy zone directors).
  • Alejandro Cesar Rosas Guerrerohead of the prospective, planning and evaluation unit.
  • Marcos AvalosHead of International Business Practices Unit.
  • Edward MontemayorDirector General of Standards.

Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico’s former ambassador to the United States, said De la Mora’s departure “is extremely concerning in the process consultations requested by the United States and Canada regarding Mexican energy policy within the framework of the T-MEC, as well as the trade and economic agenda with the United States in general”.

De la Mora has been in office since December 1, 2018, that is to say since the beginning of this sexennium.

With the upcoming departure of the undersecretary, the team of officials seeking to avoid reaching a resolution group with the United States finds itself with only Marcelo Ebrardsecretary of external relations; Robert VelascoHead of Unit for North America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; two specialists technicians and Secretary Buenrostro, to whom the Minister of Foreign Affairs said he would be informed of the talks.

This asks for the IP address of De la Mora’s replacement

Larry Rubin, president of the American Society of Mexico, said Thursday that the undersecretary’s departure is taking place at an inopportune time.

Whoever holds the position, he said, must have extensive experience in international trade and, above all, knowledge of the agreement with the United States and Canada.

“The official who comes to occupy the said undersecretary must have a great willingness to work with us at the American Company with foreign investments, with the governments of the United States and Canada, as well as a great knowledge of TMEC and Mexico -United States. binational commerce of the United States, since it represents largest foreign investment in the country“, he pointed.

With information from Bloomberg and Leticia Hernández

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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