Quinn, first non-binary trans person to participate in a Women's World Cup

Quinn, a Canadian national team soccer player, became the first non-binary trans person to compete in the Women's World Cup; Its debut took place on July 20 at match between Canada and Nigeria.

“Some of my favorite childhood memories were the opportunities I had to watch my role models perform on the world stage and I'm so excited to see the other side of this now.“, Quinn expressed on Instagram shortly before the meeting.

Since 2014, Quinn has been part of the Canadian women's national team and in 2020, she announced her transition to non-binary pronouns. as well as a masectomy to remove the breaststhis is how in 2021 he made history by participating in the Tokyo Olympics and obtaining a gold medal.

Photo: Instagram (@thequinny5)

Quinn was born on August 11, 1995, in Toronto, Canada. His family is made up of athletes, since his His father is a rugby player and his mother is a basketball player.

THE Quinn's first steps into the world of sports were volleyball.then he ventured into football with the Erin Millis Eagles team and won the Ontario provincial championship and the Canadian national championship.

Study Bachelor of Biology at Duke University.

Photo: Instagram (@thequinny5)

Quinn Triumphs Amid Transphobia and Gender Mistakes

The Canadian denounced via social networks the transphobia and gender error he receives since coming out as trans non-binary in the sports world.

“News matters and it is crucial to write about trans people using their name and pronouns. Investigate, change your headlines and evolve,” she said when she began transitioning as non-binary trans and many media outlets were still referring to her with female pronouns.

Photo: Instagram (@thequinny5)

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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