Always short Ice Merchants.
The beautiful film is a story without dialogue that depicts the life of a father and his son, in an unlikely world.
Jan 28, 2023 . Update at 05:00.
ice cream vendors, a film directed by Joo González, was among the Oscar nominees this week and became the first Portuguese-produced film to be nominated for Hollywood awards. Compete in the category of Best Animated Short Film with the American The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse Yes My year of dicksthe canadian The flying sailor and the Australian An Ostrich Told Me The World Is Fake And I Think I Believe It.
Joo Gonzlez is a story without dialogue that depicts the life of a father and his son. Every day, they parachute from their house, a wooden structure clinging to the walls of a frozen mountain, to sell the ice cream they produce in a village. It’s a family drama set in an impossible reality, which addresses the issue of loss and family bonding, explains Joo González on his YouTube channel. With this story, he seeks to express how rituals and daily routines are the support of important and complete relationships.
Beyond the narrative line, it is all the connotative elements that give strength to these 14 minutes of narration, where the visual aesthetics and the entire sound plan come to push the viewer into this improbable universe. So much so that the film emerges precisely from the soundtrack, which González composed and perfected with musician Nuno Lobo and a group of performers from the Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo in Porto, where González studied. What finally manages to bind the artist and the public is the allusion to moral themes, which underlie the whole of the short film.
Still from the Portuguese film directed by Joo Gonzlez.
This is the third film by this young director, with a Portuguese production by Cola Animation and a Franco-British co-production. Prior to these appointments, ice cream vendors It was rewarded during the Critics’ Week of the Cannes Film Festival 2022 and was presented in a hundred competitions, with 44 prizes and more than 8,000 spectators.
From the Portuguese Casa da Animao, the director Regina Machado asked for more attention for this genre: This is living proof that animation should be considered as cinema and not as a cinematographic technique.
In the preselection, moreover, there were other Portuguese short films such as O homem do lixo Yes or lone wolfwho did not enter the last phase.
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