Pet Shop Boys accuse Drake of using a clip from ‘West End Girls’ without permission

He British musical duo Pet Shop Boys accused the Canadian rapper Drake to use a fragment of his well-known song “West End Girls” without his knowledge and without his authorization on one of the songs from his new album.

duck presented his eighth work in the studio, “For all dogs”including the song entitled “All the holidays” refers to a “boy from Eastend and the daughters of west end“, with lyrics and melody that seem to reflect those of the success of English musicians.

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The duo formed in London in 1981 declared on the social network duck sing the choir ‘West End Girls’ in the song “All the holidays” from his new album. “No credit was given nor permission requested.”

After presenting the album, the American rapper surprised his followers by announcing that he would retire from the stage for at least a year to deal with a health problem. stomach which, he says, has affected him for a long time.

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The rapper has already released two albums in 2022, “His Loss” and “Honestly, It Doesn’t Matter”while the Pet Shop Boys They are preparing to reissue their unusual album “Tirelessly” on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. EFE

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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