Over 30 dealers arrested in Cuban police operation

More than thirty dealers were arrested in Havana after a police operation at the Calle 100 and Boyeros fairgrounds, according to the official press.

The information was originally posted by “La Página de Mauro Torres” on Facebook and shared by Cubadebate on its website.

According to publicationOn the morning of this Thursday, October 20, more than thirty people were arrested for reselling various basic necessities, after a police operation was carried out at the Calle 100 and Boyeros fairgrounds.

“Witnesses to the event report that the police and the DTI arrived very early, and from one moment to another, they began to take away all the touts who are still in the area”, explains the text.

The author of the publication assures that “these types of operations that take place in Cuba enjoy popular support because they are people who take advantage of the needs of others”.

In this sense, he cites the opinions of two people, one of whom did not want to reveal his identity.

“They took the dealers who were already in front, the same ones who sold you the carton of eggs at 2 thousand pesos and the package of chicken that in the store costs 90 pesos, at 1,500. What these people did was an abuse, so very good for the police and the DTI”.

“What they got out of there was a truckload of egg cartons and a freezer loaded with bundles of chicken and mince,” said one person who assured that there were “over four hundred cartons of eggs.”

The Mauro Torres page reports that “this is the first of other operations that will be carried out in Havana against the dealers who are doing so much harm to the population”.


User Karina García felt that “the dealer is the last in the chain. We hope that the operation reaches the main links, those who steal everything from the state or rather from the people.

Along the same lines, Elina Mendoza said: “Resellers are abusers, but who is responsible for what happens? Where do products of this magnitude come from? Are they really resellers? Now they put the full weight of the Law and continue to pay just for sinners.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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